Paule, Camazine & Blumenthal family law attorney Susan E. Block was a recent presenter at the Advanced Issues in Family and Divorce Law course, sponsored by the National Business Institute. Block spoke on the topics of unmarried couples, domestic partnerships and same-sex marriage, including co-habitation agreements, tax issues, child custody, and cross-state issues.
Having served as a judge for 25 years, Block brings her vast experience to the bar, sharing it in monthly articles in the St. Louis Lawyer, published by the Bar Association of Metropolitan St. Louis, and at continuing legal education programs. She is well known for her work in LGBTQ cases, having presided over the first same-sex couple adoptions in St. Louis County as a judge and now representing unmarried and married partners in paternity, dissolution, child custody, and support matters. She is active in organizations such as Caring for Kids, HomeWorks!, and the Bar Association of Metropolitan St. Louis. She is currently a member of the Missouri Supreme Court committee on racial and ethnic fairness with a view towards improving the administration of justice in the juvenile court.